
  • realsense顯示限定范圍內(nèi)的圖像物體


    REALSENSE不同于普通RGB相機(jī)的是,普通相機(jī)只可以獲得圖像的RGB顏色信息,REALSENSE可以獲得像素的深度信息。RGB相機(jī)只能通過幀間差分、特定顏色提取、基于混合高斯模型去除背景等方法,做到前景背景分離,而通過REALSENSE可以根據(jù)像素的深度信息我們可以很方便實(shí)現(xiàn)畫面摳圖,即設(shè)置一定的深度范圍, 只顯示在此深度范圍內(nèi)的像素,那我們就可以通過Z方向的距離來剔除背景了。以下是實(shí)現(xiàn)摳圖功能的代碼:

    // License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
    // Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    #include "../example.hpp"
    #include "imgui_impl_glfw.h"
    #include#include#include#include#includevoid render_slider(rect location, float& clipping_dist);
    void remove_background(rs2::video_frame& other, const rs2::depth_frame& depth_frame, float depth_scale, float clipping_dist);
    float get_depth_scale(rs2::device dev);
    rs2_stream find_stream_to_align(const std::vector& streams);
    bool profile_changed(const std::vector& current, const std::vector& prev);
    int main(int argc, char * argv[]) try
        // Create and initialize GUI related objects
        window app(1280, 720, "CPP - Align Example"); // Simple window handling
        ImGui_ImplGlfw_Init(app, false);      // ImGui library intializition
        rs2::colorizer c;                          // Helper to colorize depth images
        texture renderer;                     // Helper for renderig images
        // Create a pipeline to easily configure and start the camera
        rs2::pipeline pipe;
        //Calling pipeline's start() without any additional parameters will start the first device
        // with its default streams.
        //The start function returns the pipeline profile which the pipeline used to start the device
        rs2::pipeline_profile profile = pipe.start();
        // Each depth camera might have different units for depth pixels, so we get it here
        // Using the pipeline's profile, we can retrieve the device that the pipeline uses
        float depth_scale = get_depth_scale(profile.get_device());
        //Pipeline could choose a device that does not have a color stream
        //If there is no color stream, choose to align depth to another stream
        rs2_stream align_to = find_stream_to_align(profile.get_streams());
        // Create a rs2::align object.
        // rs2::align allows us to perform alignment of depth frames to others frames
        //The "align_to" is the stream type to which we plan to align depth frames.
        rs2::align align(align_to);
        // Define a variable for controlling the distance to clip
        float depth_clipping_distance = 1.f;
        while (app) // Application still alive?
            // Using the align object, we block the application until a frameset is available
            rs2::frameset frameset = pipe.wait_for_frames();
            // rs2::pipeline::wait_for_frames() can replace the device it uses in case of device error or disconnection.
            // Since rs2::align is aligning depth to some other stream, we need to make sure that the stream was not changed
            //  after the call to wait_for_frames();
            if (profile_changed(pipe.get_active_profile().get_streams(), profile.get_streams()))
                //If the profile was changed, update the align object, and also get the new device's depth scale
                profile = pipe.get_active_profile();
                align_to = find_stream_to_align(profile.get_streams());
                align = rs2::align(align_to);
                depth_scale = get_depth_scale(profile.get_device());
            //Get processed aligned frame
            auto processed = align.process(frameset);
            // Trying to get both other and aligned depth frames
            rs2::video_frame other_frame = processed.first(align_to);
            rs2::depth_frame aligned_depth_frame = processed.get_depth_frame();
            //If one of them is unavailable, continue iteration
            if (!aligned_depth_frame || !other_frame)
            // Passing both frames to remove_background so it will "strip" the background
            // NOTE: in this example, we alter the buffer of the other frame, instead of copying it and altering the copy
            //       This behavior is not recommended in real application since the other frame could be used elsewhere
            remove_background(other_frame, aligned_depth_frame, depth_scale, depth_clipping_distance);
            // Taking dimensions of the window for rendering purposes
            float w = static_cast(app.width());
            float h = static_cast(app.height());
            // At this point, "other_frame" is an altered frame, stripped form its background
            // Calculating the position to place the frame in the window
            rect altered_other_frame_rect{ 0, 0, w, h };
            altered_other_frame_rect = altered_other_frame_rect.adjust_ratio({ static_cast(other_frame.get_width()),static_cast(other_frame.get_height()) });
            // Render aligned image
            renderer.render(other_frame, altered_other_frame_rect);
            // The example also renders the depth frame, as a picture-in-picture
            // Calculating the position to place the depth frame in the window
            rect pip_stream{ 0, 0, w / 5, h / 5 };
            pip_stream = pip_stream.adjust_ratio({ static_cast(aligned_depth_frame.get_width()),static_cast(aligned_depth_frame.get_height()) });
            pip_stream.x = altered_other_frame_rect.x + altered_other_frame_rect.w - pip_stream.w - (std::max(w, h) / 25);
            pip_stream.y = altered_other_frame_rect.y + altered_other_frame_rect.h - pip_stream.h - (std::max(w, h) / 25);
            // Render depth (as picture in pipcture)
            // Using ImGui library to provide a slide controller to select the depth clipping distance
            render_slider({ 5.f, 0, w, h }, depth_clipping_distance);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    catch (const rs2::error & e)
        std::cerr << "RealSense error calling " << e.get_failed_function() << "(" << e.get_failed_args() << "):\n    " << e.what() << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    catch (const std::exception & e)
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    float get_depth_scale(rs2::device dev)
        // Go over the device's sensors
        for (rs2::sensor& sensor : dev.query_sensors())
            // Check if the sensor if a depth sensor
            if (rs2::depth_sensor dpt = sensor.as())
                return dpt.get_depth_scale();
        throw std::runtime_error("Device does not have a depth sensor");
    void render_slider(rect location, float& clipping_dist)
        // Some trickery to display the control nicely
        static const int flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse
            | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar
            | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings
            | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar
            | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize
            | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove;
        const int pixels_to_buttom_of_stream_text = 25;
        const float slider_window_width = 30;
        ImGui::SetNextWindowPos({ location.x, location.y + pixels_to_buttom_of_stream_text });
        ImGui::SetNextWindowSize({ slider_window_width + 20, location.h - (pixels_to_buttom_of_stream_text * 2) });
        //Render the vertical slider
        ImGui::Begin("slider", nullptr, flags);
        ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_FrameBg, ImColor(215.f / 255, 215.0f / 255, 215.0f / 255));
        ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_SliderGrab, ImColor(215.f / 255, 215.0f / 255, 215.0f / 255));
        ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive, ImColor(215.f / 255, 215.0f / 255, 215.0f / 255));
        auto slider_size = ImVec2(slider_window_width / 2, location.h - (pixels_to_buttom_of_stream_text * 2) - 20);
        ImGui::VSliderFloat("", slider_size, &clipping_dist, 0.0f, 6.0f, "", 1.0f, true);
        if (ImGui::IsItemHovered())
            ImGui::SetTooltip("Depth Clipping Distance: %.3f", clipping_dist);
        //Display bars next to slider
        float bars_dist = (slider_size.y / 6.0f);
        for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++)
            ImGui::SetCursorPos({ slider_size.x, i * bars_dist });
            std::string bar_text = "- " + std::to_string(6-i) + "m";
            ImGui::Text("%s", bar_text.c_str());
    void remove_background(rs2::video_frame& other_frame, const rs2::depth_frame& depth_frame, float depth_scale, float clipping_dist)
        const uint16_t* p_depth_frame = reinterpret_cast(depth_frame.get_data());
        uint8_t* p_other_frame = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(other_frame.get_data()));
        int width = other_frame.get_width();
        int height = other_frame.get_height();
        int other_bpp = other_frame.get_bytes_per_pixel();
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) //Using OpenMP to try to parallelise the loop
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            auto depth_pixel_index = y * width;
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, ++depth_pixel_index)
                // Get the depth value of the current pixel
                auto pixels_distance = depth_scale * p_depth_frame[depth_pixel_index];
                // Check if the depth value is invalid (<=0) or greater than the threashold
                if (pixels_distance <= 0.f || pixels_distance > clipping_dist)
                    // Calculate the offset in other frame's buffer to current pixel
                    auto offset = depth_pixel_index * other_bpp;
                    // Set pixel to "background" color (0x999999)
                    std::memset(&p_other_frame[offset], 0x99, other_bpp);
    rs2_stream find_stream_to_align(const std::vector& streams)
        //Given a vector of streams, we try to find a depth stream and another stream to align depth with.
        //We prioritize color streams to make the view look better.
        //If color is not available, we take another stream that (other than depth)
        rs2_stream align_to = RS2_STREAM_ANY;
        bool depth_stream_found = false;
        bool color_stream_found = false;
        for (rs2::stream_profile sp : streams)
            rs2_stream profile_stream = sp.stream_type();
            if (profile_stream != RS2_STREAM_DEPTH)
                if (!color_stream_found)         //Prefer color
                    align_to = profile_stream;
                if (profile_stream == RS2_STREAM_COLOR)
                    color_stream_found = true;
                depth_stream_found = true;
            throw std::runtime_error("No Depth stream available");
        if (align_to == RS2_STREAM_ANY)
            throw std::runtime_error("No stream found to align with Depth");
        return align_to;
    bool profile_changed(const std::vector& current, const std::vector& prev)
        for (auto&& sp : prev)
            //If previous profile is in current (maybe just added another)
            auto itr = std::find_if(std::begin(current), std::end(current), [&sp](const rs2::stream_profile& current_sp) { return sp.unique_id() == current_sp.unique_id(); });
            if (itr == std::end(current)) //If it previous stream wasn't found in current
                return true;
        return false;